Folder API2

Get a list of folders

This method will return a list of folders on ONE level. To iterate for subfolders you will need to call this method each time.


Method name Returns
getfolders Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folderid The ID of the folder you want to retrieve assets from. Numeric no 0 = all folders on the root level
collectionfolder If this is a collection folder String no true ; false

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output Note
folder_id ID of folder 2
folder_name Name of folder Demo Folder
folder_owner ID of user that owns the folder 0CA09066-05AA-4B22-B33C1CC6EED10F3E
username Name of user that owns the folder John
hassubfolders Folder contains sub-folder true or false
folder_description Folder description Upload folder Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 12.11.2012)
totalassets Total of all assets in this folder. Only populated if not a collection folder. 8 Razuna 1.3.5
totalimg Total of all assets in this folder. Only populated if not a collection folder. 5 Razuna 1.3.5
totalvid Total of all assets in this folder. Only populated if not a collection folder. 2 Razuna 1.3.5
totaldoc Total of all assets in this folder. Only populated if not a collection folder. 1 Razuna 1.3.5
totalaud Total of all assets in this folder. Only populated if not a collection folder. 3 Razuna 1.3.5
howmanycollections Number of collections in collection folder. Only populated if this is a collection folder. 1

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

[["E6EA9B014E6046EAA3F4390E3ED77791","Demo","1","admin","true","Contains images only",170,0,0,0,0,1]]}

Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Retrieving all assets in a folder


Method name Returns
getassets Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api key A valid api key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folderid The ID of the folder you want to retrieve assets from. String yes 1
showsubfolders To include assets from subfolders as well. String no true ; false (default)
show What kind of assets to show String no all = All assets (default) img = Images only vid = Videos only doc = Documents only aud = Audios only

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
totalassetscount How many assets are in this folder 8
calledwith The folderid you passed to this method 1
listassets The body node of the returned list of assets
assets For each asset an asset node is returned with information of the asset see sample output

Updates : As of Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition since 16.12.2012) the search also returns the collection id(s) the file might be in in the column “colid”

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

 is a demo","contains german u,another a in

Error rendering macro ‘excerpt-include’ : null

Get Folder Information


Method name Returns
getfolder Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api_key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folderid The ID of the folder you want to retrieve information for String yes* 1
foldername Full or partial name of the folder(s) you wish to retrieve information for.All folders matching the folder name criterion will be returned. String yes* pictures

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output Note
folder_id The folderid you passed to this method 1
folder_related_to To which folder this folder is related to if this is the root folder it will be the same ID as the folder id
folder_name Name of this folder Renderings
folder_description Folder description Upload folder Razuna 1.5.5 (hosted edition 12.11.2012)
folder_shared Depicts whether folder is shared or not true Available from Razuna version 1.6.6 onwards.
group_permission An array of groups and related permissions for folder. Groupid ‘0’ is the ‘Everybody’ group. [[“73CCC1DB-C9A2-445A-B0F3CE28F8780B02”,”X”],[“FDE74B74-D5F5-40F3-A9731BC28D14BB1D”,”W”],[“0”,”R”]]. Available from Razuna version 1.6.6 onwards.
totalassets Total of all assets in this folder 8
totalimg Total of all assets in this folder 5
totalvid Total of all assets in this folder 2
totaldoc Total of all assets in this folder 1
totalaud Total of all assets in this folder 3

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{"columns":["folder_id","folder_related_to","folder_name","totalassets","totalimg","totalvid","totaldoc","totalaud"],"data":[["33D207AF29D1447E931A8210982FC4A3","F08BA46F773647899999E80D2B52EC2C","Demo Folder",170,150,10,10,0]]} 

Error rendering macro ‘excerpt-include’ : null

Create Folder


Method name Returns
setfolder Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api_key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folder_name Name of folder String yes Test Folder
folder_owner The user id that this folder belongs to. If left blank then the current user is the owner. String no (if not passed uses the current user id)
folder_related The ID of the related folder. Important if you create a folder in a sublevel. String no 1
folder_collection Is this folder a collection folder String no true ; false (default)
folder_description Description of folder String no This folder is created with the API

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
folder_id The ID of the created folder 1

REST: Sample Request

&folder_name=Test Folder

Sample Output


Delete Folder

This method will remove the folder, any sub-folders and content within! There is no way to redo this action !


Method name Returns
removefolder Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid api key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
folder_id Name of folder String yes 454329579845097425097

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
Message Message Folder and content has been successfully removed!

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["ResponseCode":"0","message":"Folder and all content within has been successfully removed."]}

Set folder permissions


Method name Returns
setFolderPermissions String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
permissions JSON Structure String yes JSON structure. See example below

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode Responsecode 0 (if successful)
message Status Message Folder permissions successfully updated

JSON structure

You pass the values for the permissions as a JSON structure. The order is:

Nanme Description
folderid ID of the folder
groupid ID of the group The “EVERYBODY” group has the ID of “0” (zero)!
permission R = read only ; W = read/write ; X = full add

A example of passing the values would be (you need to serialize your array in order to pass it in a URL):

[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C", "13E33EB4-4A82-4CF7-B1DAA549DA80E86B", "X"]]

With CFML you can use the following code snippet to create the JSON (The below code will create a 2 dimensional array and using 2 groups).

<cfset j = arrayNew(2)>
<cfset j[1][1] = "EA4191FB6E0F40D2AFE3ABB85E41118A">
<cfset j[1][2] = "13E33EB4-4A82-4CF7-B1DAA549DA80E86B">
<cfset j[1][3] = "X">
<cfset j[2][1] = "EA4191FB6E0F40D2AFE3ABB85E41118A">
<cfset j[2][2] = "8931CF69-7FB1-476D-9D2B00F63D9D439A">
<cfset j[2][3] = "W">

<cfset j = SerializeJSON(j)>

REST: Sample Request

/global/api2/folder.cfc?method=setFolderPermissions&api_key=CA1EBCFD45084E3991EA569DB10A29AA&permissions=[["255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C", "13E33EB4-4A82-4CF7-B1DAA549DA80E86B", "X"]]

Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Folder permissions successfully added"]}